Monday, August 4, 2014

Just Some Thoughts

Hey guys!

I thought I would do something different today.  This isn't a product review or haul or anything beauty related.  I just wanted to talk about some thoughts I have been having these past couple months because I feel that many other women (or men) can relate to things that are taking up a lot of my time and energy.

These past couple months have been really hectic.  School has been picking up and residency application process is just around the corner.  Its so overwhelming and frustrating, yet so exciting at the same time.  Im ready to continue on with my life and move onto the next step which will be residency.  Medical school has just been much more difficult than expected (between academics and balancing my personal life so it does not interfere with my career).

As school is becoming more and more difficult, as are some of my relationships.  My boyfriend and I have been struggling quite a bit.  We are now on year 3 of distance, and that isn't even the worst of our problems.  He's been a rock in my life and when things start to go badly I just break down.  I am such an emotional person that I throw myself and my time and energy into making things perfect.  It is exhausting.  And at some point, I don't have it in my to keep struggling.  

As these things in my life started heating up, I decided to try yoga to see if that helps with all this anxiety and angst I have bottled up from life.  To be honest, at first, I thought I was doing it for the exercise and hoping it may bring me some calmness.  However, as I continued to go to classes and strengthen my practice, I realized I would make myself go to class even if I was exhausted just to get those 75 minutes of pure clarity.  When I am practicing on my mat something comes over me.  I am able to just let go of everything I am holding onto: all of my thoughts, all of the negative energy.  I am able to just be in a clear state of mind and flow through the movements.  Sometimes, this clarity lasts for the rest of my day.  Sometimes the negative vibes come rushing back as soon as I stop my practice.  However, those 75 minutes bring me so much peace that I will never be able to give it up.  

During these moments of silence, I have realized that it is not healthy for anyone to hold onto so many emotions.  Life is too short to be hung up on all the negatives.  At a certain point, you just have to learn to let go whatever is holding you back or clouding your vision.  Be yourself; love yourself.  I have noticed that as long as I am treating myself with love and respect, I am constantly finding happiness.  It has been such a relief to discover this escape from my thoughts.  

I hope all of you have your own methods of finding happiness.  I just thought I would share to you all what Ive learned over these past couple of months.  

I wish you all lots of love, happiness, and joy.


(The gushy feelings are now all over; I realize I was kind of all over the place.  I was just writing everything that came to mind :) and I will be posting up something more fun shortly!)

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